10 Very Easy to Follow Steps for Drawing Teddy Bear for Kids with Flowers

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Dive into a world of creativity and joy as we guide young and not-so-young artists on an enchanting journey to draw a lovable teddy bear holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

This easy step-by-step tutorial ensures that even the very beginners can bring their fluffy friend to life with gentle curves and floral accents.

Perfect for budding artists eager to explore their imaginations!

Draw Guidelines for Teddy Bear

Step 1 of teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers showing basic guidelines.
  1. Start by drawing a vertical line down the center of your page. This will serve as the central guide for your teddy bear.
  2. Next, add a horizontal line that intersects the vertical line toward the top. This will guide the placement of the top of the bear’s head.
  3. Draw a second horizontal line approximately two-thirds down the vertical line. This will help position the nose and mouth.
  4. Add a third horizontal line to mark the teddy’s chin.
  5. At the end of the vertical line, add a fourth horizontal line for the beginning of the feet.
  6. Finally, draw two vertical lines at the bottom horizontal for guiding the bear’s feet placement.

Outline Teddy Bear’s Rounded Head

Step 2 of teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, showing rounded head outline.
  1. Using the horizontal guideline, draw an arc for the top of the teddy bear’s head.
  2. Extend the lines downward from each end of the arc, creating the sides of the head following a gentle curve.
  3. Leave some gaps in the curves to reserve the place for the details you will add after.
  4. Keep the proportions rounded to make the face appear cute and fluffy.

Shape Teddy Bear’s Right Arm and Side

Step 3 teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers showing teddy bear's body and arms outline.
  1. Draw a smooth curve from the side of the head downwards to create the outer side of the teddy bear’s body.
  2. Sketch a smaller curve inside to form the inner arm line, connecting back to the body.
  3. Add the belly shape by drawing a small curve at the bottom.

Add Teddy’s Feet

Step 4 of teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, showing the addition of the feet and paws in the drawing.
  1. Draw two small, rounded rectangles at the bottom of the teddy bear’s body to form the feet.
  2. Make sure each foot has slight curves to give it a rounded look.
  3. Add tiny vertical lines on each foot to represent the toes.

Add Teddy’s Ears

Step 5 of teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, illustrating how to draw the ears.
  1. Remember we left some gaps in Teddy’s head curve? It’s time to use them!
  2. On the upper sides of the head, draw two large, rounded curves touching the head outline where the gaps are.
  3. Add smaller arcs inside each big curve to create an inner ear look.

Explorer more drawing ideas:

Add Teddy’s Cute Face And Tummy

Step 6 teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, showing red outlines for the bear's smile and left arm.
  1. Draw eyes by placing them symmetrically based on the middle guideline.
  2. On the intersection of two guidelines, draw a cute nose.
  3. Draw a gentle wave curve for the smile just below the nose. Make sure it’s centered to keep the expression cute.
  4. At the base of the body, sketch a simple curved line for the tummy, ensuring it connects with the arm.

Draw Flower Stems in Teddy’s Hand

Step 7 teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers adding flowers in teddy's hand.
  1. Draw a small cluster of stems, held by Teddy’s paw.
  2. Add a bow holding the stems.
  3. Ensure the bow tie arrangement has a touch of flair with the ends curved outward, enhancing its lively appearance.

Adding Flowers To Teddy’s Bouquet

Step 8 teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, adding final flowers to teddy's arm.
  1. Draw a couple of flowers with each petal curving outward from the center.
  2. Now, draw overlapping flowers by adding petals behind the ones in front, filling the bouquet.

Adding Leaves To Teddy’s Bouquet

Step 9 of teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers; shows bouquet details.
  1. Draw a few leaves around the flowers to give the bouquet a fuller look.
  2. Finish up by adding any final details to the flowers to make them look more realistic.

Shade Your Adorable Bear

Step 10 teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, featuring a bear holding a bouquet with hearts around it.
  1. To bring depth to your drawing, add shading to your teddy bear and the flowers.
  2. Draw small heart shapes beside the bear’s head to add an extra touch of cuteness.

All Steps Together

All steps together of teddy bear drawing easy for kids with flowers, showing the upper curved outline of the bear's head.


Our whimsical guide makes drawing a teddy bear with flowers an effortless and enjoyable adventure for kids. From shaping the cuddly bear’s rounded head to adorning it with a floral element, this step-by-step tutorial kindles youthful artistic potential. Encouraging creativity and imparting skills, this delightful exercise helps children create heartwarming art pieces they’ll adore.


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