33 Thank You Father’s Day Card Drawing Ideas

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time for kids to showcase their creativity with a heartfelt “Thank You” card that’s more colorful than dad’s favorite tie and more touching than his best dad jokes. From doodles that might make Picasso jealous to heartfelt messages that could give Hallmark a run for its money, we’ve got drawing ideas that will not only keep the little ones busy but also make Dad feel like the superhero he is. So, grab those crayons, and let’s turn those giggles into masterpieces that dads will treasure!

Thanks Dad for the epic piggyback rides

thanks dad for the epic piggyback rides

Embark on a creative journey to celebrate Dad with this ‘Epic Piggyback Rides’ card:

  1. Sketch a large stick figure for Dad, complete with bent knees to suggest movement.
  2. On his back, draw a smaller stick figure, arms looped around his neck for a piggyback.
  3. Add simple lines for Dad’s shorts and a striped pattern for his shirt, with matching simplicity for the child.
  4. Crown your drawing with a radiant sun, beaming down on this playful duo.

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Thanks Dad for the monster-checking patrols at night

thanks dad for the monster-checking patrols at night

For a magical Father’s Day card that captures Dad’s heroic nighttime vigil:

  1. Draw a circular background filled with stars and a crescent moon.
  2. Sketch a playful flashlight with its beam illuminating a small area.
  3. In the beam’s path, depict two cartoon-style beds and a cute, green monster peering out.
  4. Frame your nocturnal scene with hearts and stars to show appreciation for Dad’s monster-checking patrols.

Thanks Dad for best ever pancake breakfasts

thanks dad for best ever pancake breakfasts

Celebrate dad’s pancake prowess with these delightful drawing steps:

  1. Illustrate a stack of round pancakes on a plate, adding syrup drizzling down the sides.
  2. Place a square pat of butter on top, melting slightly.
  3. Add details like golden brown spots on the pancakes and a shiny highlight on the syrup.
  4. Dot the plate with tiny hearts to show love for Dad’s special breakfasts.

Thanks Dad for teaching me how to tie my shoes

thanks dad for teaching me how to tie my shoes

Honor Dad’s lesson in shoelace-tying with this charming illustration:

  1. Begin with two high-top sneakers side by side.
  2. Sketch the outlines, adding the rubber soles and eyelets for the laces.
  3. Weave the laces through the eyelets, finishing with a bow on each shoe.
  4. Shade the sneakers to give them dimension and a lived-in look that echoes the hands-on teaching moments.

Thanks Dad for the endless supply of dad jokes

thanks dad for the endless supply of dad jokes

Sketch a tribute to dad’s humor with this ‘Endless Dad Jokes’ card design:

  1. Draw a large, rounded face with a joyful expression, big eyes, and a wide smile.
  2. Add spectacles and a mustache for a touch of whimsy.
  3. Illustrate the character holding an open book labeled “DAD JOKES.”
  4. Surround the figure with playful bursts and confetti to reflect the fun of Dad’s humor.

Thanks Dad for being my personal cheerleader

thanks dad for being my personal cheerleader

Create a heartwarming ‘Personal Cheerleader Dad’ card with these steps:

  1. Draw two simple stick figures: a larger one for dad and a smaller one to represent the child, both with cheerful faces.
  2. Give each figure pom-poms in each hand, using short lines to show their fluffiness.
  3. Add color to dad’s and the child’s outfits, using contrasting shades for a vibrant look.

Thanks Dad for coolest Halloween costumes

thanks dad for coolest halloween costumes

Salute dad’s costume creativity with this playful illustration:

  1. Draw a cartoonish boy with a thumbs-up, sporting a superhero costume complete with a cape.
  2. Sketch a mask over his eyes, and a heart emblem on the chest.
  3. Include Halloween-themed accents like a small pumpkin and a bat in the background.
  4. Use bold lines and colors to bring the superhero to life, symbolizing dad’s coolest Halloween efforts.

Thanks Dad for letting me win at video games

thanks dad for letting me win at video games

Capture the playful spirit of gaming with dad with this design:

  1. Draw a game controller with a fun face in the center.
  2. Add hearts and stars around it to show your love and excitement.
  3. Illustrate buttons and control sticks with care to make them look authentic yet whimsical.
  4. Choose a joyful color palette to reflect the fun times shared over video games.

Thanks Dad for bedtime stories

thanks dad for bedtime stories

Sketch a cozy scene of father-child bonding with this guide:

  1. Draw the outline of a large book as the backdrop.
  2. Inside the book, depict a father and child, snuggled close, with the father reading aloud.
  3. Illustrate their relaxed expressions, with the child looking content and the father looking down at the book with a smile.
  4. Embellish the scene with small, whimsical symbols like stars, hearts, and flowers to evoke the magic of storytime.

Thanks Dad for making the booboos better with a kiss

thanks dad for making the booboos better with a kiss

To craft a sweet token of dad’s healing touch:

  1. Begin with a simple rectangular bandage in the center of your card.
  2. Add two brown end caps with small dots to represent the adhesive.
  3. In the middle of the bandage, draw a vibrant red heart.
  4. Surround your bandage with little stars and sparkles to symbolize the care and love dad brings to every ‘boo-boo’.

Thanks Dad for teaching me how to ride a bike

thanks dad for teaching me how to ride a bike

Show your gratitude for those first bike rides with this adorable drawing:

  1. Draw a simple, stick-figure child on a bike, complete with a round head and a dot for an eye.
  2. Sketch a helmet on the child’s head and a small, content smile.
  3. Outline the bike, keeping the design straightforward with two wheels and handlebars.
  4. Place hearts around the child to represent the love and patience dad poured into this life lesson.

Thanks Dad for building the best forts

thanks dad for building the best forts

In tribute to dad’s fort-building skills, here’s a whimsical scene to draw:

  1. Start with a delighted child peeking out from under a fort made of piled-up cushions.
  2. Sketch various shapes and patterns on the cushions for a playful touch.
  3. Add a small flag on top of the fort to symbolize its grandeur.
  4. Dot the background with clouds and sprinkle confetti to capture the joy of fort adventures.

Thanks Dad for Sunday morning cartoons

thanks dad for sunday morning cartoons

Recreate those cozy Sunday mornings with this heartwarming drawing:

  1. Sketch a large, smiling face in the center to represent a child’s joy.
  2. Draw a vintage television set around the face, with the screen featuring a happy family cartoon.
  3. Flank the TV with small, whimsical characters to mimic a cartoon audience.
  4. Scatter hearts and stars to symbolize the love and fun of watching Sunday morning cartoons with dad.

Thanks Dad for ice cream runs

thanks dad for ice cream runs

Cool down your drawing pad with this sweet depiction:

  1. Draw a kawaii-style ice cream cone with a big, adorable face.
  2. Place a simple, cartoonish car behind the ice cream, giving it a friendly vibe.
  3. Add floating hearts and cloud shapes around to illustrate the joy of those special treats.
  4. Use vibrant colors to give life to this tasty token of thanks for dad’s ice cream runs.

Thanks Dad for secret handshakes

thanks dad for secret handshakes

Unlock the bond of fatherly fun with this handshake illustration:

  1. Draw two hands in a firm handshake in the center of your card.
  2. Add cuffs at the wrists to indicate sleeves and a few lines for the hands’ details.
  3. Sketch a mysterious symbol above the hands with radiant lines to emphasize the ‘secret’ aspect.
  4. Use a simple and bold line style to bring this symbol of dad’s playful side to life.

Thanks Dad for teaching me to be kind

thanks dad for teaching me to be kind

Let’s draw a heartwarming message of kindness:

  1. Illustrate two heart characters holding hands, the larger one representing dad and the smaller one the child.
  2. Give the hearts bright, expressive eyes and cheerful smiles.
  3. Scatter small hearts, stars, and sparkle symbols above them to represent the joy of sharing kindness.
  4. Color the hearts in warm shades to symbolize love and care learned from dad.

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Thanks Dad for the movie nights

thanks dad for the movie nights

Set the stage for a delightful drawing celebrating dad’s movie nights:

  1. Draw a box of popcorn with a kawaii face and a drink with a matching expression.
  2. Add stripes to the popcorn box and detail the popcorn with small, fluffy shapes.
  3. Illustrate the drink with a lid and straw, and include a cute movie reference on the cup.
  4. Dot the background with stars to mimic a starry movie night.

Thanks Dad for believing in my dreams

thanks dad for believing in my dreams

Let your imagination take flight with this dreamy drawing:

  1. Sketch a fluffy cloud in the center as the foundation of a castle.
  2. Draw the castle with towers, flags, and windows, nestled on the cloud.
  3. Below the cloud, depict two stick figures: one larger, one smaller, with hearts floating above them.
  4. Surround the scene with stars to symbolize the magical feeling of having dad’s support for your dreams.

Thanks Dad for funniest tickle fights

thanks dad for funniest tickle fights

Bring the joy of laughter to life with this playful sketch:

  1. Draw two stick figures, one slightly larger than the other, in dynamic, laughing poses.
  2. Add lines around them to represent the movement and energy of a tickle fight.
  3. Give the figures simple, happy faces and striped shirts for a touch of color.
  4. Use bright lines to illustrate the bursts of giggles and fun during the tickle battle.

Thanks Dad for lessons in patience

thanks dad for lessons in patience

Celebrate dad’s wisdom with this endearing snail drawing:

  1. Create the snail’s body with a long, curved shape, and its shell with spiral lines for dimension.
  2. Add two extended eyes on stalks, giving them a gentle expression.
  3. Sketch a tiny flag labeled “#1 Dad” near the shell as a symbol of admiration.
  4. Place small hearts around the snail to show love and gratitude for dad’s patience lessons.

Thanks Dad for helping with homework

thanks dad for helping with homework

Sketch a tribute to dad’s homework help:

  1. Draw a cheerful pencil character to the left, with a tip pointing downward.
  2. Next, illustrate a happy book labeled “Dad” to the right, with a friendly face.
  3. Behind these characters, add a ribbon banner with “THANKS DAD” written across it.
  4. Embellish the background with hearts and stars to represent appreciation for dad’s assistance.

Thanks Dad for best bear hugs

thanks dad for best bear hugs

Create a heartwarming scene of fatherly love:

  1. Draw a large bear standing upright with open arms, exuding a warm smile.
  2. Inside the embrace, sketch a smaller bear snuggled up, looking content.
  3. Accentuate the tender moment with small hearts and fluttering leaves around them.
  4. Give the bears gentle eyes and soft features to capture the comfort of dad’s hugs.

Thanks Dad for showing me the stars

thanks dad for showing me the stars

Embark on a cosmic drawing adventure:

  1. Place a telescope on a tripod in the forefront, tilting toward a star-filled sky.
  2. Sketch two cat characters, one large and one small, beside the telescope, gazing upward.
  3. Fill the background with stars, planets, and constellations to represent the night sky.
  4. Include a potted succulent to add a touch of earthly charm to the celestial scene.

Thanks Dad for the soccer practices

thanks dad for the soccer practices

Capture the energy of the field with this playful depiction:

  1. Draw two figures, one larger and one smaller, both with happy expressions and in soccer attire.
  2. Illustrate a soccer ball at the foot of the larger figure, indicating movement with action lines.
  3. Add a small heart between them to show the love in their shared activity.
  4. Keep the style light and cartoonish to convey the fun of soccer practice with dad.

Thanks Dad for making the best sandwiches

thanks dad for making the best sandwiches

Whip up a tasty tribute with this fun illustration:

  1. Draw a cute slice of bread with arms and a smiling face.
  2. Place a chef’s hat on top to symbolize dad’s sandwich-making skills.
  3. Add details like lettuce peeking out from the sides for a touch of realism.
  4. Sprinkle the background with stars to highlight the sandwich’s “star quality” thanks to dad’s culinary talent.

Thanks Dad for car ride singalongs

thanks dad for car ride singalongs

Turn up the volume on your creativity:

  1. Draw a whimsical car with a big, joyful face and large, expressive eyes.
  2. Sketch musical notes and stars around the car to symbolize the melody and magic of singalongs.
  3. Color the car in a cheerful hue to echo the happy tunes.
  4. Remember to give the car a bright, inviting smile, just like dad’s during those musical drives.

Thanks Dad for being my best friend

thanks dad for being my best friend

Celebrate the special bond with this charming illustration:

  1. Draw two figures, a larger one for dad and a smaller one for the child, holding hands.
  2. Add happy faces with sparkling eyes and warm smiles to each figure.
  3. Dress them in striped outfits, adding a little flower on the child for a sweet touch.
  4. Place a heart and small decorative elements like stars around them to symbolize their loving friendship.

Thanks Dad for the magic tricks

thanks dad for the magic tricks

Capture the enchantment of dad’s magic tricks with this adorable sketch:

  1. Illustrate a cute bunny next to a magician’s hat, adding a wand inside the hat.
  2. Give the bunny big, expressive eyes and a tiny smile for a touch of whimsy.
  3. Embellish the background with stars, hearts, and a flower to symbolize the wonder of magic.
  4. Use soft colors to create a warm, magical atmosphere that thanks dad for the tricks.

Thanks Dad for the snowball fights

thanks dad for the snowball fights

Capture the fun of winter play with this cool scene:

  1. Draw two snow forts with two figures peeking out, one larger, one smaller.
  2. Equip each figure with winter hats and scarves, adding snowballs in their hands.
  3. Scatter more snowballs around the forts to set the scene of a playful battle.
  4. Dot the backdrop with falling snowflakes to complete this frosty and fun thank-you to dad.

Thanks Dad for teaching me to swim

thanks dad for teaching me to swim

Splash into a drawing that celebrates dad’s swimming lessons:

  1. Depict two cheerful characters in water, one larger with goggles atop his head and the smaller one with a swimming ring.
  2. Illustrate the water around them with wavy lines to show their playful splashing.
  3. Add splashes and droplets to emphasize the action.
  4. Surround the duo with heart shapes to express love and gratitude for the swim time shared with dad.

Thanks Dad for encouraging me to try new things

thanks dad for encouraging me to try new things

Step into a celebration of new achievements with this heartwarming sketch:

  1. Illustrate a child standing proudly on the top podium spot, hands raised in victory.
  2. Draw a figure next to the podium, clapping with a look of pride and encouragement.
  3. Add radiant lines and stars around the child to emphasize triumph.
  4. Detail the podium with the number 1 to symbolize the child’s success, all thanks to dad’s encouragement.

Thanks Dad for lessons on fixing things

thanks dad for lessons on fixing things

Gear up for a drawing that’s as handy as dad:

  1. Draw a cute, animated toolbox with a smiling face.
  2. Sketch a screwdriver to one side and a wrench to the other, both with a cartoonish look.
  3. Add little hearts and stars around the tools to show affection for dad’s guidance.
  4. Color the toolbox in vibrant hues to highlight the cheerful learning experience.

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Thanks Dad for always making me feel loved

thanks dad for always making me feel loved

Illustrate the warmth of a father’s love with this:

  1. Draw two heart characters, one large and one small, standing side by side.
  2. Add arms and simple faces to the hearts, showing a happy expression on each.
  3. Place small stars and hearts around them to symbolize cherished emotions.
  4. Use a soft color palette to enhance the feeling of warmth and love conveyed in the image.


As we wrap up our journey through crayon-smeared paper and glitter-infested tables, it’s clear that the best Father’s Day gifts don’t come from a store, they’re drawn from the heart and sometimes slightly outside the lines. With these kid-crafted Thank You cards, we’ve not only celebrated dads but also unleashed a wave of creativity that proves love is the main ingredient in every masterpiece. Remember, it’s not just about the drawing, it’s the thought (and the adorable scribbles) that counts. Now, go on and make this Father’s Day as memorable as dad’s “best” jokes.


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